Mar 19, 2010

Blind CropVille

Hello Everyone, what do you think about a Blind CropVille?

It is actually a very fun, although curious night!  The Blind CropVille is run as a class, and you will be required to book in.  Each person participating will be given a kit on arrival, which will not be opened until the step by step instructions commence.  Everyone will proceed with the step by step, supplemented with refreshments along the way, until completion at the end of the night. Only then will the REVEAL of the original Blind CropVille Layout be displayed to everyone.  It is a very interesting way to see how creative we can all be by following the same instructions, and creating something entirely different to each other at the end of the night.
  • You will be asked to provide a specific photo/photos from a set theme, the rest will be in the kit!  
  • You MUST use the items in the kit for all step by step instructions, what you do once that item has been used to complete that step is up to you. 
  • You will need to bring your basic tools, such as trimmer, adhesives, ruler, pencil and any other products that you tend to use a lot - such as distress-ers, inks, gel pens, sanding blocks.
  • Oh heck, just bring your tote!!!
If this sounds like YOU, well book in now!  It's going to be a very fun night.  I would like to run this every month, so if the interest is there I will add it to the calendar.  If the interest is really overwhelming....... well, we may repeat the class again during the month (and a day/time to be determined).  YOU will be the one to determine how that goes!
  • 7.00PM TO 11.00PM
So, if you want to be in it, please confirm your booking by calling into the shop, or email Janet at Scrapville.  Let's go, there's not many spots......



Cass said...

Aren't I booked in for a crop that night anyway? Hmmmm, I'm keen, but was wondering if that doubles me up?

Rachel said...

That sounds like so much fun... maybe you could do a blog version of it too... for those of us a little too far away to make it in person! ;)

Scrapville said...

Yep, that's right Cass. Got my dates mixed up with Easter.... CropVille is still on 26th, BLIND CROPVILLE is on Saturday, 27th!


Scrapville said...

Don't worry Pepper - I'm sure Melinda will come up with something! :0)

Cass said...

Oh bummer - can't do the 27th. Will definately make the next one though.

Scrapville said...

I'm counting on it! Love your work Cass.

Won't be long and you'll be able to have more free time - awesome!

Sal said...

Blind Cropville sounds FAB-U-LOUS but I am unable to attend. Is Melinda going to be following along on the blog so we far-removed people can still participate? I will make sure to book the computer for the night.